Noah Lyles Wins the World Championship for the 200m


By Zachary Roney


Heading into this year's track and field World Athletic Championships, held in Doha, the fans and media alike had high expectations for 22 year-old Noah Lyles, who made his first appearance at this event; he was the favorite to win gold in the 200 meter dash. He did not disappoint – however, the medal did not come as easily as he would've liked. His time of 19.83 seconds was more than enough to prevail over the rest of the field. However, unlike most races – where Lyles gains a definitive lead coming off the turn – he found himself trailing after the first 100 meters, with Britain's Adam Gemili taking a slight lead. However, in the end, Noah Lyle's renowned top-end speed came in handy, propelling him towards gold. Canada's Andre De Grasse won silver with a time of 19.95 seconds, and Ecuador's Alex Quinonez won bronze with 19.98; Gemili's effort on the curve was not enough to win a medal.


Sport News
noah lyles, world athletic championships, 2019, 200 meter dash, track and field